This blog is made to journal my hobbies and share my thoughts, while also learning all about digital marketing in 2025

Who I Am
My name is Meghna and I am studying Digital marketing this year, 2025, and Yarn Reads is my journal of sorts for the duration of this course. I have a lot of hobbies, but I want to work on two major hobbies this year, knitting/crochet, and reading books.
I picked up reading when my dad bought me a Ruskin Bond book, The Road to Bazaar, and Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven back in 6th grade. For knitting, I picked up yarns back in 2023, after realizing that knitting is ‘not like other girls’ but also after my grandma passed away and I realized I want to do something to remember her. In my memories, my grandma is always knitting something, and crocheting also, a sweater or a muffler, or a hat, or a bag even, and so I also want to do the same to feel connected to her.
I made a few resolutions this year, 2025, which is, continuing from previous year I will not be buying chocolate, not buy anything clothes or shoes related which is not made in India, and eat only vegetarian food. Along with that, I also follow BDS so I will not be buying from brands that are being boycotted. I believe in living a sustainable life with as less as possible. I stopped buying chocolate because of the slavery associated to cocoa farming in Africa. Most clothes made these days are made through sweatshops in China and Bangladesh, and while the meat industry is not wrong in terms of food chain, since I don’t believe in leather industry being ethical, I decided that I can survive without non-vegetarian choices.
It’s not to say that I don’t think everyone should do this, I mean I do, but not everyone can afford to, and some people just don’t care so I cannot go to each person and ask them to be like me. I’d rather put my idea out there and if anyone resonates, well, what more can I want.
What inspired me to start this website
This website was made because I had to as part of my course, but the topic was chosen obviously because these were two hobbies I felt were something I could write and share about. Books have always been a part of my life, maybe because I used to get a lot of story books in gifts, and as someone who is passionate about literature, I wanted to share my thoughts too and hopefully bring about a reform in the content that is being published, and the industry in large. Lofty dreams, but I have to start somewhere.
Meanwhile knitting, well, might as well share my progress and learning in this small community and hopefully inspire people to help escape fast fashion. Winter wear quality, or any kind of clothes really, has been on a decline due to fast fashion and greed, and we are way to much into consuming content or trying to content which can be consumed through a screen, that hobbies which require no phones seem to be something only kids or elders are into now.
I hope that through this blog, I am able to learn and grow personally, and hopefully inspire someone also.
How this Website will help you
Most people post about things that they are a ‘pro’ about, so I want to show through this blog that learning and failing is part of the process, whether it’s about reading or knitting/crochet. Maybe I will add more things here, perhaps about kdramas that I feel are not talked about enough, or any other hobby I pick up, being a human is all about trying things, and understanding that all hobbies are not meant to be something you have to be good at, just something you enjoy doing casually.
You can learn alongside me, read alongside me, give me feedback and suggestions, and learn from my mistakes. I am in no way someone who is always right and does things flawlessly, so you don’t have to feel pressured to get it right the first time.
What will be the focus in my content
Like most blogs about hobbies, I will be posting everything I do in real-time, whether it is a knitting/crochet project, or a book I will be reading and posting a review about it.
Now, I am in no way a master of knitting or some esteemed scholar who can tell when a book is right or wrong, but I have to post something so it might as well be about things I want to be confident about later, which is good literature and knitting/crochet. I don’t want to be someone who simply consumes content that a publisher says is popular but critically analyse it and ask questions whether it was actually good, was it impactful, was it actually fun or I am being peer pressured into believing it is fun.
For the books I want to focus on Indian literature, and since I know Hindi and English only as of now, I will be on the lookout for short and easy to read books this year. And also, for knitting and crochet I will be focusing on easy and quick to make for beginners and gradually make more complicated or bigger projects. There are so many free patterns available online and even behind paywalls, but once you master basics you can make your own.
For instance, I want to start making a sweater for myself, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the correct number of cast-on stitches, so I switched to crochet because there’s no need for casting on. However, I do plan on knitting a sweater and so I will be trying gauge swatch to get an idea. Even for my crochet sweater, I started and redid just the ribbing 4 times before moving on to the next part, which I did and undid 3 times as of now.
But these mistakes are okay and a part of learning and becoming better gradually at my choice of hobby. So I will post all that so you don’t have to feel about making mistakes also.
Well, that’s it for now, I will see you all soon on my first blog! 🧶📚

Digital Marketing Student | Content Writer | Knitting | Crochet | Reading